Monday, March 22, 2010

A New Week...Back on the Band-Wagon

"If you are doing the Will of God, it is always too soon to quit" this quote is from my pastor, Jimmy Inman, during a service a few months ago. It struck me so much that I wrote it down and have kept it closeby. I was having some quite time with the Lord today and he reminded me of this quote. Making the decision to get the Lap-Band was something I prayed about for a long time. My pre-op journey actually took about 3 years. It is a long story but after a lot of prayer, a new baby in the midst of the 3 years, jumping through lots of insurance hoops, etc, I did finally have the surgery. I remember during those 3 years pre-op and in the first several months post-op how I could see and feel God at work with the process. Since around Thanksgiving, I have not been following through with my part of the process. I started eating what I wanted, when I wanted, didn't chew my food slowly, didn't take the small bites, etc, etc. I have my doctor's list of the 10 Band Rules for success, I have not been following any of them. As of today, I am back on the "band-wagon". I know that God has not moved from where He was, it was me that moved away, not Him. I am so thankful that when I give up on me, He doesn't!

May God bless you and your family,
Becky <><

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