Wednesday, January 20, 2010


I know I haven't posted in a while but things went from really busy to a whole new level of busy! On Jan 2 my husband fell down a flight of stairs and broke 2 vertebrae in his neck, C6 and C7. By the grace of God he is still alive and did not damage his spinal cord. He did a lot of damage to the ligaments in that area though. He is now recuperating at home with a neck brace on. He is improving each day although he has had some problems with swallowing (a temporary side effect of the surgery) and his blood pressure (related to the injury). Needless to say that between juggling taking care of him, homeschooling, taking care of our 3 kids, working on the weekends, etc, etc, etc, my life has been spinning pretty much out of control! As far as my lap-band and the recent fill I had, his accident happened on what was supposed to be the last day of mushie/pureed food after my fill. Since his accident I haven't been able to be as strict with my food choices or timing when I eat. I pretty much eat "what I can, when I can". I don't eat nearly as much as I would have been though. Had this accident happened before my lap-band surgery, I am sure I would have gained at least 10-15 pounds. At this point I have held steady at 244 pounds.

I've got to go for now, the baby just woke up from her nap - time to get busy again!

God bless you and your family!
Becky <><

1 comment:

  1. Hi Becky, sounds like you have had such a rough time! So sorry about your husband's injury - and glad that it was not worse!

    Maintaining through that kind of stress is an accomplishment in my book!
